Send them a little get well soon Rx cheer in a gift
basket to lift their spirits! The perfect pick me up gift for a speedy recovery with treats for the
patient as well as for the caretakers/family! Many of our designs have
crossword puzzles and/or word find books, not to mention playing cards to help keep them entertained during their convalescence.
Who doesn't like a care package from their loved ones when they're under the weather to help them feel better soon? Let them know you are thinking of them because let's face it, no one likes to be sick or not feel so hot! NOTE: There are two (2) pages of designs to choose from, not just this page. UT Southwestern Medical campus/district has SEVERAL hospitals, please make sure you let us know the correct one the patient is in. Shipping to a hospital is not recommended, sending to the home would ensure the recipient getting their gift.